
Time Attendance Solutions

WIS using its state of the ART time attendance collectors helps you integrate your ERP Systems with Time & Attendance Tracking capabilities so employees track the hours they have worked through integrations with time tracking products or built in time tracking features.

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High Volume Transaction Systems

WIS has what it takes to build your high transaction volume systems using Open Telecom Platform (OTP) ER Lang. Backed with Vertica Big Data Analytics you can be sure that your system will never fail no matter the number of transactions being handled.

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High volume Message Queues

WIS has what it takes to build your required Messaging Queue using well known Open Source solution RabbitMQ. WIS has integrated isolated solutions for industries using RabbitMQ which is built on top of OTP.

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Whatsapp Messaging Solutions

If you ever need to stay in touch with your customers and operators no solution is better than Whatsapp for business solutions. WIS has what it takes to build your required solutions that need this kind of reach. WIS has built this solution for Ministry of Education so governmental schools can stay in touch with their students and parents.

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